“Men regard it as their right to return evil for evil and, if they cannot, feel they have lost their liberty”
– Aristotle
It’s been quite a while since I’ve done one of these. Over the past year and a half, as Palms Out has transitioned more and more into releasing music as a label, and in the face of various legalish issues, once consistent features like Remix Sunday and Sample Wednesday have had to take a backseat. But from now on, expect Remix Sundays & Sample Wednesdays to come around a couple of times a month, with contributions from the whole Palms Out family, not just little ol’ me anymore. And while we can’t cater to all your individual tastes, we both hope you can appreciate the sense of variety we try to provide, and the time and hard work we put into collecting this music for you.
After a difficult shift from blogspot, and with a full server hard drive failure (we lost pretty much eeeverything), Palms Out is now proud to be self sustaining, speedier than ever, backed up, and wordpress ready, all thanks to the extremely helpful StudentVsTeacher. Thanks for sticking with us for so long, we appreciate all the consistent submissions and emails of support and criticism, and I personally apologize to the thousands of people who haven’t heard back from us, we do really love you. I hope you enjoy.
Remix Sunday 133 Zipped Up. (117mb zip)
Hess Is More – “Ssshhhh” (Zombie Disco Squad Remix)
Dubbel Dutch – “Trollsta” (Round Table Knights Remix)
Fagget Fairys – “Roll the Dice” (B. Rich Remix)
Marcus Price – “Surf” (Hedmark Remix)
The Beatles – “A Day In The Life” (Baba Black Boot)
E. Gold – “CPIBTA” (Passions Broken Mix)
Moloko – “The Time Is Now (Sunshine)” (Deadsteppas Boot)
Olive – “You’re Not Alone” (Kill Light Remix)
Pollyn – “Gave It Up” (Peter Visti Remix)
SaintSaviour – “Star Jumps” (Urchins Remix)
Bon Iver – “Woods” (Olin Remix)
image/ Bea Fremderman