The next premiere from End Broken Windows Vol.1 comes from Palms Out alum, Carli — whose credits are too long to list. Currently, he’s best known as a quarter of Off The Meds, but longtime readers will remember him from his now-classic pair of releases on Palms Out with Marcus Price, Mat Bira Kvinnor Weed and Bubbelgum, as well as releases on Fool’s Gold, Studio Barnhus, Mad Decent, Dubsided, to name a few. Carli delivers an excellent lesson in suspense with “XP10” — a real stand out on this compilation. The song was kindly premiered by Definite Party Material, and is available to stream and purchase everywhere now.
End Broken Windows Vol.1 is out now. You can stream it wherever, and order the limited edition cassettes on bandcamp. All proceeds go to the SBB National Sex Worker Bail Fund.
Carli – “XP10” (from End Broken Windows Vol.1)